تحذير طبي : دراسة تحذر من استخدام مقاعد التدفئة بشكل دائم أو مبالغ !!!
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أوضحت احدى الدراسات الطبية الجديدة هذه الايام عن خطر "قـــد" يساهم في تاثير الرجال عند القيادة او الركوب ايا كان وذلك بإستخدام تقنية الا وهي تقنية تدفئة المقاعد "لفترة طويلة"
حيث انها قد تؤثر في خصوبة الرجل وقد توصله لمرحلة الخطر او "العقـم"
وأوضح كبير هذه الدراسة الدكتور Andreas Jung ان زيادة بسيطة من درجة الحرارة المناسبة ستؤثر على درجة الحرارة وانتاج خصوبة الرجل
وقد جاءت نتيجة واستنتاج هذه الدراسة بعد تجربة 30 شخصا لهذه الدراسة
ولذا "ينصح الإطباء" ان تكون الحرارة المناسبة على معدل 35 او 36 درجة مئوية , وينصح أيضا بأن يكون استخدام هذه التقنية غير طويل عند القيادة وان يكون منتظم بشكل مجدول كأمر أساسي للمحافظة على صحة الرجل ..
وقد اضاف ايضا في الدراسة على ان الهاتف النقال ايضا يؤثر على خصوبة الرجل ( المقصود هنا هو الجنز أوالبنطلون )
نص الخـبر كاملا :
Scientists warn that the seats could damage sperm production by raising men's temperature to unhealthy levels.
The study follows warnings that keeping a mobile phone in a trouser pocket for too long or extensive use of a laptop computer can also affect fertility.
An optimal temperature of between 35 and 36 °C is needed to produce healthy sperm.
Even small temperature changes can significantly affect sperm counts, which is why the testes are outside the body, which has an average temperature of 37 °C.
Scientists tested the effect of heated car seats on 30 healthy men.
The volunteers were fitted with temperature sensitive sensors and asked to sit on different types of car seats for 90 minutes.
Reporting their findings in New Scientist, the team say that on unheated seats the average temperature of the scrotum was 36.7 °C.
But on the heated car seats one man's temperature rose to 39.7 °C, while the average was 37.3 °C.
Andreas Jung of the University of Giessen in Germany, who led the study, said that the average rise in temperature could be enough to damage sperm production.
The seats are found as standard or as an option in many popular cars including the Honda Civic, Ford Mondeo and Nissan Qashqai, and are becoming increasingly popular in Britain.
BMW estimate that last year they sold around 40,000 vehicles with heated seats, around one in three of all their British sales.
Male drivers have previously been warned that sitting in a car for long periods, even without a heated seat, can affect their fertility.
Earlier studies also suggest men who drive for longer than three hours a day can take longer to conceive with their partners.
Prolonged or regular exposure to higher temperatures can override the body's ability to keep the testes cool.
High temperatures can result DNA damage leaving men with a lower sperm count.
The sperm produced are also less able to swim as far.
الجدير بالذكر ان هذه الدراسة اجراها الفريق
بعد ان لوحظ في اوروبا زيادة نسبة مبيعات السيارات المزودة فيها ميزة المقاعد التدفئة
لذا تم الدراسة للحرص في هذا الأمر
وحمانا الله من كل مكروه ان شاءلله